Rodney Heron
3 min readDec 12, 2021


Why I Haven't Written for 2 Weeks

Chaos reigns in my mind at the minute, between work, projects, packing a house (which my wife is shouldering the load on) and then moving the whole family to a new adventure in another state.

I have fallen out of the good habits I have built over the past four months and fallen back into some old practices, which get my goat!!

Image by Holgi

We are not moving because of some political grudge against a State Premier and what has happened during a Global Pandemic; we are moving because we have chosen to chase fulfilment and not happiness.

We are moving because we want freedom of choice; we will no longer be a slave to debt, and no longer be hindered will no longer restrain us in chasing the activities that fulfil the family and us.

I haven't changed my job, but I have seized on an opportunity borne out of my hard work and executed on it to the best of my ability and now will bear fruit on that hard work.

As with any move, the hard work compounded and amplified, so the whole fruit isn't quite as sweet yet, due to having to chow down on the last few months of sourness.

We are moving states, not to another house in another suburb, and the whole family is going through excitement, stress, doubt, upheaval and general unrest that comes with the territory.

packing stuff up;o)

I know this article will be some of the worst writing for the year.

But I HAD to get this onto paper because this is my closest version to "Morning Pages", which I have stopped doing.

Let's take the stress and scars public, get it all out there in the open #SheddingSkin

One of the other stressful factors is the racing and looming with the move is saying goodbye to people, and the fact that I have not been able to schedule a time to catch up with people I admire and respect to spend one on one quality time with them.

I won't be gone from this state forever, but it will make it far harder for us to "catch up" randomly for a coffee and a gasbag about what is going on in their world.

The following ten days is just hectic, and I haven't been able to indulge myself in the regular Wednesday night recording of the "My Love Of Golf" podcast with Rossco, Magic Mike and myself.

I will use the next ten days to write more in the morning, try some new techniques and approaches, get the daily chaos in a headlock, and give it a Stone Cold Stunner and middle finger.

Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving
- Albert Einstein

If you have read to hear, thank you for riding with me, and I appreciate the words of support that many friends and family have given over the past couple of months.

We are looking forward to this new chapter in our family, chasing fulfilment beyond just the holidays, and I look forward to writing about it and sharing all the stories over the next six months of this big transition.

We are diving into the deep end and finding out who we are.

The journey is going to be amazing.

Stay safe and sound for the holiday period, have a fantastic Christmas.

Don't wait, MOVE



Rodney Heron

I share the knowledge I have gained that is not available in a course, a book or a video. The infinite degree in self-improvement. Welcome to Rockets University